Our staff and clients do their best in taking good care of the assets they have, but sometimes life has its way of making things a little rough around the edges. Whether in the form of goods or services, we greatly appreciate your donations, and will ensure that they are handled with uttermost gratitude. If you wish to make a donation to Camelot Society, please contact Executive Director Tammy Baldwin.
- Cash donations.
- Dining room chairs.
- New or gently used appliances.
- 4-door sedan; good gas mileage.
- New or gently used exercise equipment.
- Maintenance truck.
- Community recreational activities: Tickets to movies, sporting events, puzzles, board games, Wii games.
- Interior and exterior paint.
- Pots and plants (non-toxic, please, to make a more home-y environment).
- Mattresses (twin).
- Food containers.
- Kitchenware.
- Flatscreen computer monitors.
- Emergency supplies.
- Batteries.
- Large flatscreen TV for visually impaired clients.
- General volunteers (check out our Volunteer page for more information!).
- Board members.
- Office assistant.
- Event specific volunteers.
- Maintenance/landscaping assistant.
- Client companions.
- Remodeling/building repair.
- Landscaping service.
Camelot Society is a 501(c)3, non-profit agency. All of your donations are tax deductible. Forms will be provided for your tax purposes, but please consult a tax advisor for specific information related to your generous donation.